Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Month To Go!

Hey all!! So time has just been flying by since the last post that I made, sorry about that!! So I have about one month left here in this awesome country!! But here are some updates for you!

  Meeting with Dean Roley in Singapore!
 So I had the pleasure of meeting with our dean of Shidler, Dean Roley, here in Singapore! We were also joined by two alumni from Shilder as well. We ate in a part of Singapore called Orchard which is a pretty famous part of the country, great place to go eat for those of you who are considering coming here!

 The alumni who joined us were Hieu Nhan who now works for Nike, and Quang Huynh Buu who works for HSBC Bank and is the head of ASP International- Global Trade and Receivables Finance, Asia Pacific. The dinner was very fun hearing about other professionals and seeing what really goes on in the work force!

Class Work

 Alright, so I know I said earlier that the class work isn't that hard....but I semi take that back haha. The deal is this, the course work isn't necessarily "harder" here- but the students really go over and beyond for school here. A lot of the exams, presentations, and papers are due during the last month of the semester- so the mix between the intensity of studying plus having all of the work due really adds up at this point. Granted, we are on exchange, and most of us are on pass fail grading, but if you don't might be in jeopardy of failing. My recommendation for you guys is to take about 3 or maybe 4 classes tops so that you can have time to travel and enjoy South East Asia. One thing that I wish I did was take one less class so that I would have some more free time for traveling around Asia! 

So that's all I have for now! But I'll be updating my blog pretty much once a week from now on since I only have a few weeks left. 

Feel free to email with any questions guys!!! 


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