Off to Cambodia!!!
Hey all!!
So I finally get to travel! Taking a trip to Cambodia today. When you get to NUS they have a thing called "Reading Week" which is basically the time to study before the two week long examination period. But since us exchange student usually only have one or two exams during this time ( I only have one on December 4).. We take this opportunity to go abroad and not fall behind on class work! So myself and 2 other friends will be traveling to Cambodia, seeing some sights and taking in the culture!!
I'll be gone for about 1 week so I will update you all on what the fun stuff to do is there when I get back! If you are interested in flying there.. Tiger air is pretty cheap. Got my round trip ticket for around 150 US dollars..and I only booked it a week ago. The longer in advance you book, the cheaper the tickets!! They accept US currency so you get a small taste of home again by using our home currency...(feels good to have some Franklins, Washingtons, and Jacksons back in my wallet ;) ).
There will be tons of pictures when I get back! Stay tuned
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