Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back From Cambodia!- Time to Study :)

 Hey all!!

So I'm back from my Cambodia trip. It was AMAZING. Like i said before, I highly encourage anyone who is going to school in South East Asia to do as much traveling as you can. Not only is it super cheap, but it's always fun exploring other parts of the world with friends that you make here. Obviously, keep your studies in order though (so turn in any assisgnments that may be due early if you have to, bring books and study while you're traveling as well). 

While there, we were traveling non stop. On the first day, we arrived in Phnom Penh Airport and arrived at the same time as our President, Barack Obama! We were able to get a semi good picture of AF1.

day after day, we would wake up early to go do hikes, watch the sunset, see the ankor watt temples, and even the temple where the shot Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie

If you have the chance to go, I would highly suggest it!!

So now back to Singapore. Right now, its the exam period. Which is pretty much the last 2 weeks of the semester (right after reading week). Most business courses are tested during the 2nd week of the exam period from what I hear, so this first week is a good time to get a little more study time in if you need it. Just like our finals week, there are no regularly scheduled classes and only final exams are given. I was extremely lucky this semester and I only have 1 final exam which is on December 4. All of my other exams were given before reading week took place.

Heads up for good study places
- ERC (Education Resource Center) which i mentioned in a previous's located in U-Town which is most likely where you will be living.
- Business Library- Perfect place to study if you want dead silence
- Study Lounges in your hall- So this is more of a "social" study place. A lot of my friends will meet in the lounge, talk, study, mess around on facebook (the typical college study routine) good place if you don't need to cram for an exam.

Getting Ready to Go home!
So when I first came to Singapore, I didn't think that 4 months would be enough time to enjoy the country. But then you realize once you are getting towards the end of the semester how much you actually miss being home...but at the same time, you don't even want to leave Singapore! It's a little bit of mixed emotions especially when your friends start flying back home, or going on trips and you are all going your separate ways.

I fly home on December 10, so about 13 days from definitely feels weird to be coming home so soon, it's like the time just flew by. But I know this is definitely an experience I will never forget and I've made some amazing friends here who I will be talking to years from now.

Hope all of this helps!! Looking forward to maybe meeting some of you guys who read this when I get back to Hawaii.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Off to Cambodia!!!

Hey all!!

So I finally get to travel! Taking a trip to Cambodia today. When you get to NUS they have a thing called "Reading Week" which is basically the time to study before the two week long examination period. But since us exchange student usually only have one or two exams during this time ( I only have one on December 4).. We take this opportunity to go abroad and not fall behind on class work! So myself and 2 other friends will be traveling to Cambodia, seeing some sights and taking in the culture!!

I'll be gone for about 1 week so I will update you all on what the fun stuff to do is there when I get back! If you are interested in flying there.. Tiger air is pretty cheap. Got my round trip ticket for around 150 US dollars..and I only booked it a week ago. The longer in advance you book, the cheaper the tickets!! They accept US currency so you get a small taste of home again by using our home currency...(feels good to have some Franklins, Washingtons, and Jacksons back in my wallet ;) ).

There will be tons of pictures when I get back! Stay tuned

Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Month To Go!

Hey all!! So time has just been flying by since the last post that I made, sorry about that!! So I have about one month left here in this awesome country!! But here are some updates for you!

  Meeting with Dean Roley in Singapore!
 So I had the pleasure of meeting with our dean of Shidler, Dean Roley, here in Singapore! We were also joined by two alumni from Shilder as well. We ate in a part of Singapore called Orchard which is a pretty famous part of the country, great place to go eat for those of you who are considering coming here!

 The alumni who joined us were Hieu Nhan who now works for Nike, and Quang Huynh Buu who works for HSBC Bank and is the head of ASP International- Global Trade and Receivables Finance, Asia Pacific. The dinner was very fun hearing about other professionals and seeing what really goes on in the work force!

Class Work

 Alright, so I know I said earlier that the class work isn't that hard....but I semi take that back haha. The deal is this, the course work isn't necessarily "harder" here- but the students really go over and beyond for school here. A lot of the exams, presentations, and papers are due during the last month of the semester- so the mix between the intensity of studying plus having all of the work due really adds up at this point. Granted, we are on exchange, and most of us are on pass fail grading, but if you don't might be in jeopardy of failing. My recommendation for you guys is to take about 3 or maybe 4 classes tops so that you can have time to travel and enjoy South East Asia. One thing that I wish I did was take one less class so that I would have some more free time for traveling around Asia! 

So that's all I have for now! But I'll be updating my blog pretty much once a week from now on since I only have a few weeks left. 

Feel free to email with any questions guys!!!